Thursday, April 23, 2009


Today kept thinking about yesterday ! Was the birthday of a very dear and yet, presently estranged friend ..the last I visited that house was on the last birthday and I felt some what distanced..then came my a call..happy birthday..shall I see you soon..oh sure..but that never communication in the mean time..neither from this side nor from that..what goes wrong with us..difficult to put a finger to it..but some thing sure happens and we are transformed into being what we essentially are least thats what I believe..we become unsure, we turn critical and we seem to erase all that history of a relationship ( any positive relationship, not only the so called 'relationship') and become an egoistic-cum-egotistic cock tail while we still continue to believe that we are so very considerate and regardful, so very happy to hear what the other has to say and eager to understand and then communicate that understanding in our dialogues and conversations..but what happens when we cease to communicate and there are neither any dialogues, not even monologues, as we, part unwittingly and part deliberately take recourse to a course that shuts out thought and thoughtfulness and drags us to a kind of self righteous aloofness...we lament the lack of 'life' in our lives but don't want to change the course of our thought and action because we feel, we have been wronged here or there, and we fail to notice that with this revenge of alienation, we are now committing a self goal.
You tell me, is there a way out which will enable us to be blind to the wrongs and hurts, betrayals and outbursts, so that the relationship survives all that choking and beating ...and possibly, the survival will do the trick in the course of time and never shall we feel fretful and depressed (almost distressed) about these estrangements (reasoned or just plain stupid !)..

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